249 Cocina Moderna

Food is life, my Colombian-Venezuelan roots will tell my story. Coming to America at the age of five, I fell in love with the culture and my family made sure I never forgot where I came from and food played a big role in that. 249 Cocina Moderna is a family style company that will take you on a beautiful trip with a southern comfort and Colombian-fusion food be my guest and have a seat at my table.
Who inspires you in your area of expertise?
My foundation my culture and one of my favorite chefs Ever Chef Aaron Sanchez.

What are significant obstacles in your industry as an urban creative? How have you been able to push through these obstacles in your industry?
Family is the most important part of life is my road has been paved for me. 249 is the house number where the foundation was created. There has been losses but I have learned a lot of valuable lessons.
Remaining true to myself is the best lesson I've ever learned.
Share a great moment or accomplishment in your career?
Last year being interviewed on on Chat with Chef Thia about my brand and what 249 was, as my grandmother watched me from Cartagena Colombia.

What advice would you give to an aspiring creative who wants to thrive in your industry?
Remain true and take those risks that we are scared to take because you don't think you are good enough.
Food is Life so celebrate it!
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